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Home > Supplement > Infant health products > Culturelle 康萃樂 美國 Culturelle 嬰幼兒童LGG益生菌(1歲以上食用)
美國 Culturelle 嬰幼兒童LGG益生菌(1歲以上食用)
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- It may help improve children's immunity and promote nutrient absorption

- May help reduce tummy ache, baby colic, and help relieve eczema and allergies

- May help improve constipation and digestion

Culturelle 康萃樂美國 Culturelle 嬰幼兒童LGG益生菌(1歲以上食用)


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- It may help improve children's immunity and promote nutrient absorption

- May help reduce tummy ache, baby colic, and help relieve eczema and allergies

- May help improve constipation and digestion

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